The Return
This post has nothing to do with goats.
Hi folks. I’ve been distant. Not so remote as to be unreachable, but deep enough into the woods of fatherhood and working stiffs to render this blogging thing entirely foreign. Does anyone still blog? For a time there, blogging was the must-have social media outlet for all aspiring writers. Nowadays the outlets are mailing lists, TikTok, and adverts. I just dropped by my old blogspot neighborhood ( and saw but a few familiar names, those hardy few still shaking their fists at the blogadoo sky. I’ll have to drop in again soon, for old times’ sake, and shake my fist with them, but I doubt I will return for good. The vast majority of once vibrant voices have either withered on the blogspot vine or blossomed and jumped to more fertile soil.
Yep, many of the old gang have become successful writers and are now plying their wares on glossy new websites. It couldn’t have happened to a nicer lot. I’m thrilled these talented folks found their voices. My hope, goal, desire, is to follow their lead. I’ve completed Book 1 of the Syntropy Series, BOY MEETS ANT and polished most of my glossy new website. Yes. I actually built my own website. And if I ever see another domain-register-drag-and-drop-choose-your-theme-professional-email-newsletter-website-host-SEO-easy-to-activate-one-year-free-meta-pop-up-on-a-bait-and-switch-pop-up… it will be too soon.
Next up is book formatting, cover design, an Amazon author page (yes, I’m going with Amazon, at least for the outset), pitch writing, and marketing. Business, business, business. Yeesh.
Two of the mainstays of my old blog were musical selections and writing prompts. Let’s do that again.
Munk’s opening line: Perrus wore his emotions in his underwear.
Music this week: The Devil Makes Three: Bangor Mash from the 2013 Oregon Pickathon.
Here we go.